Our Strength is Fellowship; Our Success is Participation.
Guest Speaker, Tim Morawetz
January: WO Nicole Laidlaw, Military Service in Afghanistan
February: Dr. David Chandross, Future of Artificial Intelligence
March : Professor Leonard Friesen, Russia and Ukraine
April 7: Annette Sandberg, Niagara Escarpment
May 5: Don MacKay, Dog Guides
June 2: Terry Gregson, NHL Referee, Retired
July 7: Jory Pritchard-Kerr, President CGM Hospital Foundation
August 4: Tony Dittenhoffer, Volunteer to Ukraine
September 1: Dr Bob Galway,Arctic Aviation and Exploration
October: Malcolm Kelly, Sprog, A Novel of Bomber Commaand
November: M/CPL Jean- Francois Hinse, JDFD, Canadian Forces Base, Borden
December: Neil Crone, Actor. comedian, writer.
Speakers, 2023
January: Bonnie Campbell, Seniors Fitness
February: John Millar, Clean Water for Indigenous Communities
March: Ted Barris, Author, Historian. Battle of the Atlantic
April: Bonnie Sitter, Peach Fuzz and Farmerettes
May: TC Energy, Meaford Pumped Storage
June: Ed”Chen” Cohen, A Lifetime of Mountain Climbing
July: Melissa Shaw, ‘Farm Fresh’, a History of Smart Bros Brands in Collingwood
August: Fred Dobbs, Nottawasaga River Restoration Program.
September: Nadia Stolfi and Terry Geddes, Collingwood Health and Wellness Development
October: Carole Binsky, Protection from Fraud and Scams
November: Ted Barris, ‘Rush to Danger”, Medics in War.
December: Captain Peter Lang, Safe Commercial Flight
January: Kelly O’Neil, Public Relations and Communications Manager, Hospice Georgian Triangle.
February: Amanda Pegg, Executive Director, Town of Collingwood
March: OPP Constable Trevor McKean, Fraud Awareness and Prevention
April: Will Goertz, Casinos and a whole lot more.
May: Mike Hiltz, The Canadarm..A Canadian Success Story
June: Ted Barris Video Interview with Jim Deeks of Canada Files
July: Andrew Kirsch, Former CSIS officer, Author, ‘I Was Never Here’.
August: Nancy Esson, Right At Home, Health care in the home.
September: Peter Lang, Nuclear Power.
October: Malcolm G Kelly, Canada’s Sports Century
November: Jane Fleetwood-Morrow, WW11 Through An Unseen Lens.
December: Julian Bayley, ‘Ice Sculptures Tha Worked’
Upcoming Events
Contact: Stephan Brown
8315 21/22 Sideroad Nottawasaga, Duntroon
Directions: come south on Highway 124 go through the lights at Duntroon and 2122 Side Rd. is the next one after the Duntroon corner. Turn right heading west and go 1.6 km and the house is on the left-hand or south side up along driveway. There is signage at the road.
Choose one of two routes.
Bring your own drink and lunch.
Sue and Bud will be providing soup!
Partners and guests are welcome to attend.
Contact: Bob MacNair
VOA manufactures seat belt webbing etc. for
Autoliv, a large vehicle safety equipment
190 MacDonald Road, Collingwood.
Contact: Paul Natale
Meetings are the first Thursday of every month, starting at 10:00 am. They are held at The Royal Canadian Legion, 490 Ontario Street, Collingwood.
Contact Us
Probus Club of Collingwood
Membership: Ian Donaldson,
Email: collingwoodprobus@gmail.com