Our Strength is Fellowship; Our Success is Participation.
Guest Speaker, Tim Morawetz

Vice President, Marketing, Toronto Star, 1992-2001
Publisher, Applied Arts, 2002-2003
Publisher/Founder, On the Bay Magazine, 2004-2021
Jeff recounted his role as an advisor to Prime Minister Elliot Trudeau with their ‘Act for Canada’ proposal in 1968. This was designed to provide a closer relationship between the government and the citizens of Canada.
Jeff is very active in the Arts, Social Environment and various other Community interests.
Quite a career, a very busy man indeed!
When paying for Events, please try to use eTransfer, Debit, or lastly personal cheque.
Breakfast Club : Eggsmart Restaurant, February 10, 9:00 am.
Contact: Roger Dunning.
Lunch Club: Contact Pierre Tousignant.
Georgian Probus Travel Group:
See website below.
NORWEGIAN COASTAL VOYAGE , from Bergen to Trondheim. 17-27 Sept 2024. We also still have group pricing and space.
Most of the members booked on this trip are going early to experience the fabulous train program from Oslo to Bergen. Then train Trondheim to Oslo.
Please see our website for up to date details.
Roger Dunning.<
Probus Ski Legends 24/25.
Registration for 2025 Legends Ski Trips is now open!
See website https://probusskilegends.ca/membership.
Contact: Jack Marley
Billiards, 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 1-3 pm. Contact Pierre Tousignant
Darts, 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 1-3 pm. at the Legion. Contact Bob MacNair
Bowling Activity: Terry Gates
Kitchen Bridge: @ the Legion. Contact: George Powell
Investors Group. Contact, Bob MacNair
Georgian Probus Travel Group
Our Club contact: Roger Dunning
Our book exchange ably curated by Al Wallace, is back in business. So bring along a few of the books you’ve enjoyed, and exchange them for fresh reading material.
Remember: Be a friend, bring a friend. And let us know if there’s a member who’s not doing well.

Our newest members, Charlie Tatham and Neal Everett were welcomed by Membership Chair, Ian Donaldson.

Dennis Butcher
Bruce Godwin
Upcoming Events

Contact: Stephan Brown
VOA manufactures seat belt webbing etc. for
Autoliv, a large vehicle safety equipment

190 MacDonald Road, Collingwood.
Contact: Paul Natale

Wednesday, June 18, 10:00 am.
There will be an optional lunch.
Car pooling will be the mode of transportation.
Contact: Ken Meng
Meetings are the first Thursday of every month, starting at 10:00 am. They are held at The Royal Canadian Legion, 490 Ontario Street, Collingwood.
Contact Us
Probus Club of Collingwood
Membership: Ian Donaldson,
Email: idona175@rogers.com